Thursday, September 30, 2010

2000- American Beauty

Sam Mendes’s 1999 film American Beauty is probably the only film I have seen in my life that I could actually say was life changing.

The film focuses on a man, Lester Burnham, played by Kevin Spacey, having what would typically be referred to as a mid life crisis as he decides his life is a fabrication, each individual element being specially constructed by his wife to keep up the appearance of the perfect suburban family. As a result he develops an infatuation with his daughter’s friend Angela, played by Mena Suvari, quits his job, starts smoking marijuana and gets a job flipping burgers at “Mr Smiley’s.”

Although the film was made in 1999 it won its wealth of awards in 2000 so that’s why I’ve included it in this yea. The film won Peoples Choice award at the Toronto Film Festival, and was nominated for 8 academy awards as well as being given “Top Honours” from industry organizations. The film is visually splendid in its cinematography and brutally honest in its portrayal of suburban life. The Soundtrack is amazing and the imagery of the rose petal ties a string of amazing metaphors together resulting in a fantastic film that is one for the ages.

American Beauty was so personally inspiring because in the process of his life spiraling out of control Lester develops an approach to his life that is so incredibly refreshing. His voice over from beyond the grave says at the end of the film:
 “Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life..."
This is a sentiment I try to live my live by.
Relax, enjoy life and most importantly… this weekend watch American Beauty.

See the Trailer Here


Number one of 2007: Beyonce's Irreplaceable

"Irreplaceable" is a song by American R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles. The song was written by Knowles, Ne-Yo, Tor Erik Hermansen, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Espen Lind, Amund Bjørklund, and produced by Stargate and Knowles. The song was written for her second solo album  B'Day , which was realeased in 2006. Originally not created for Knowles, she re-arranged the demo presented by the producers from country tune to a pop-contemporary R&B song, which made it so popular.

So what made this song so popular? What made girls sing it with so much force and power on there way to work in the car, or in their rooms? The lyrics refer to breaking up with an unfaithful man, part of Knowles and Ne-Yo's vision of creating a record that people could relate to, and was considered an anthem to female empowerment. This sense of empowerment captured the female audience and resulted in the high ratings of this song, which eventually lead to its number one rating.

So what else captured such an audience to the song? It most certainly can be said the catchy tune of the song. The tune "to the left, to the left," was stuck in the majority of peoples head, with this opening line making them mesmirized to the whole song. Along with this catchy line, the up beat pop melody of the song was a very important factor that drew people so strongly to this song.

"Irreplaceable" was a worldwide commercial and critical success, becoming Knowles' second best-selling single in her solo career after "Crazy in Love" and B'Day's most successful release. The single performed well on the US Billboard Hot 100, remaining at the top spot for ten consecutive weeks. Certified multi-platinum, "Irreplaceable" is the US' best-selling single in 2007 and the 25th most successful song of the 2000s!!\

Monica :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twilight: the beginning of the much anticipated tetralogy

The release of 'Twilight' in 2008 set the film world up as US$392 million richer as tweens, teens, adults, mothers, males and mostly females rushed into the cinema on November 21 to witness the modern day love story that is the creation of Stephenie Meyer.

The plot follows Bella as an awkward teenager who moves to the small town of Forks to live with her father. She is soon drawn to the strange Edward who she soon discovers to be a vampire. Their relationship develops and shocks many as they fall in love. Edward's very protective nature towards Bella leads to her becoming a target for another vampire coven whom are not as friendly as Edwards family. The plot quickly twists to focus on Bella escaping the sadistic James and ultimately being protected and rescued by the Cullens.

Whilst 'Twilight' is based on the Stephenie Meyer novel it does not reflect the story perfectly. The pairing of Robert Pattinson as Edward and Kristen Stewart as Bella is satisfactory and their chemistry together really only grows towards the conclusion of the film (in setting up for 'New Moon', 'Eclipse' and 'Breaking Dawn'). Much of the films success can be put down to the primary success of the novel and the introduction of the entirely new vampire genre which has started a frenzy of spin-off TV shows, novels and other films.

The style of the film is very fitting. Forks, as a rainy and drab place is tinged with a slight blue to enhance this. Rain and snow are a common occurrence in nearly every scene which creates the film overall in a very 'cold' sense. It is however warmed by Bella and Edward's relationship and their obvious feelings towards each other.
The soundtrack also added another dimension to the film as the production opted for more alternative music. Robert Pattinson contributed two songs to the film, 'Never Think' and 'Let Me Sign' which can be viewed as good indicators as to the musical style that was encouraged.

The film came together really well but i would encourage interpretation isolated from the novel as they are two completely different things. 'Twilight' is rated M and should be viewed by any who are intrigued by this prominent new genre.

'Twilight' Trailer 2008

x x Liz

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top song of 2005; "Since U been gone."

2005 was filled with music that people could play over and over again OR music that was most people's WORST nightmare OR music that made a person want to punch someone whilst listening it it! 2005 was filled with music from all three areas, however this post wll focus on the BEST HIT of 2005. So what made a particualr song so good ? It is the lyrics? The instruments? Or is it the singer itself?

The BEST song of 2005 was most certainly Kelly Clarkson's "Since U been gone" from her hit album "Breakaway." The song was overplayed on the radio millions and millions of times, with fans learning the catchy lyrics word for word! 2005 was the year that Kelly Clarkson outgrew American Idol and became a major pop star in her own independence. "Since U been gone" reached number two in the U.S. and the top five across the world and also earned Clarkson her first Grammy Award for "Best Female Pop Vocal Performance."

So what made the lyrical composition so great that each individual soon had the tune and lyrics stuck in their head? The lyrics are concerned with the relief that Clarkson is feeling after her breakup and how she is feeling a sense of "freedom" and a "new beginning." The lyrics became so successful due to that fact that many teenagers and even adults can listen to it after a breakup as a sense of motivation to move on with their life. The tune is catchy with a playful beat that makes girls want to jump around and forgot the boy that broke their heart and nearly destroyed the person they were! Clarkson's image was simple with a high class of personality which made her singing of this song come from the heart, full of attitude and revenge. It is this built persona that made the song so successul, and made a wide range of audiences worship her!

"Since U Been Gone" is one of the most brilliant slices of pop-rock in this decade so far and became the most successful release from Clarkson's album "Breakaway."
Want to listen..CLICK HERE
Want to watch...CLICK HERE

Monica :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

A look at one of 2006's most positively received films, 'Little Miss Sunshine'

'Little Miss Sunshine' brings to light a not so typical family.

The film focusses on Sheryl, the mother who desperately tries to provide the best for everyone, her husband, Richard who is trying to make it as a motivational speaker, Sheryl's brother Frank who must move in with the family after his recent suicide attempt. There is Edwin, Richard's father who has been evicted from his retirement village after recently selling heroin there, Dwayne who has undertaken a vow of silence until he becomes a test pilot and lastly there is Olive, of whom much of the story surrounds as she and her family endeavors to make it to the Little Miss Sunshine Pageant on time.

The story is engaging and unique as we come to know this family and their dysfunction. We grow to connect with the characters, their features and their struggles throughout the film.

Toni Collette is fabulous (as always!) as Sheryl who really holds the family together and Paul Dano deserves a special mention as Dwayne, some of his scenes are the most powerful and most hilarious of the 99 minutes.

The style of the film is also quite unique. It lacks that Hollywood polish over the top that has become all too common. It feels real, their less than indulgent home in New Mexico, their furniture and their clothes all contribute to how these people look similar to the people who live down our street. We relate to them much easier through this realness and it really sets the tone of the whole film really well.

What should be realized first and foremost is that this film is a drama-comedy and should be viewed through these filters. I wouldn't suggest it appropriate for anyone under the age of 15. Yet, i would suggest it to everyone else, a brilliant comedy about life and family and all that each entails.

Little Miss Sunshine Trailer 2006

x x Liz.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

AWESOME MUSIC at Macquarie University's Conception Day!

Macquarie University’s Conception Day is GOING TO BE HUGE  and we’re sure all of you are eager to party hard and party good after a semester of uni! Conception Day is going to ROCK with the awesome bands that will bring this event to life! There are so many bands playing today, however the highlights of the day are most certainly going to be Butterfly Effect, Passengers, Gyroscope and Tame Impala. Macquarie University students and visitors are going to be amazed with the superiority within each group of performers, and most certainly will be dancing all day long!

Monica’s review on Gyroscope and Tame Impala
So they say they save the best till last and in this case its true…Gyroscope will be the second last band performing on the “Gotalk Prepaid Mobile Stage” from 5.50 - 6.40pm!! So some of you are probably wondering who Gyroscope is…or should I see them over one of the other bands, artists or DJ’s! Well I assure you Gyroscope is going to go off tomorrow…well most of the time!

Gyroscope is an Australian rock band from Perth, Western Australia.Over Gyroscope’s thirteen year career they have produced four studio albums, with their most recent being “Cohesion.” Gyroscope’s second album “Breed Obsession” which was released in 2008 was one of their most successful albums, and in fact peaked at number one on the ARIA Albums Chart. Although, in comparison to Gyroscope’s other albums, its new album seems to be a downfall, with the lead singer sounding like he being “strangled,” which isn’t really pleasant music to the ear. The album seems to be going in the wrong direction with an extremely disappointing follow up. However, Gyroscope will most certainly be changing this “negative mood” with songs such as “Are you involved?” and “Fast girl/Beware of wolf,” which is sure to get all of you excited and filled with enthusiasm! The tune to these songs is catchy, and can be played over and over again! So all those who were hesitant to see Gyroscope...I assure you the some-like “strangling” noise at the start will be compensated by the catch tunes they will perform after!!

So followed by a completely mind blasting performance from Gyroscope will be Tame Impala, who will be the last performer of the night…and will leave you asking for more! Tame Impala are a four piece psychedelic rock band from Perth, Western Australia. Tame Impala will keep you dancing with their great performance skills, with experience from a variety of levels such as Splendour in the Grass, Big Day Out and the Reading festival! Tame Impala's debut album, “Innerspeaker,” was released on 21 May 2010, and has been a great success so far! Tame Impala will most certainly perform there hit songs "Desire Be Desire Go" and "The Bold Arrow of Time,” which represent late-60s American psychedelic. The words and tunes are so catchy, that you can get truly lost with the music and transform into another world! Tame Impala is sure to end the night with a bang, keeping students already thinking about Conception Day 2011!!

Yolanda's review on The Butterfly Effect and Passenger

Rock on! (and Rock on you shall … at Macquarie University’s Conception Day!)
Expect to have high standards for The Butterfly Effect as their previous album “Imago” reached as high as 2 on the Aria charts and it was their second gold record after the success of their 2003 album “Begins Here” They have received local and international recognition for their “epic soundscapes and incendiary live shows.”
The band’s tour at the end of 2008 was a success as it was sold out! In 2009, they played for the Big Day Out tour with Neil Young, Bullet for My Valentine and The Ting Tings.
However their last album, “Final Conversation of Kings” has been described to be lacking something compared to “Imago” and “Begins Here”. In their previous albums, there was an existence of balance of power in the vocals, the rise and fall of notes and the different dynamics in sounds.
Before you be the judge, from my point of view, the songs from “Imago”; especially “Gone” allowed me to float into another world. As one blogger has said, “The vocal lines take me away and let me float while the guitars bring me straight back down with beautiful force.”
The Butterfly Effect will be performing on the Gotalk Prepaid Mobile Stage: 4:30-5:20pm. 

Passenger’s previous album reviews were described as "Captivating" (Q Magazine), "Intensely Beautiful" (The Sun, a UK national daily) and "Style and Intelligence" (New Musical Express) it tends to attract your attention”.  This does provide an impressive image of the band! I haven’t heard any of their stuff but it has me interested! Straight from England’s South Coast Resort of Brighton, Passenger reflects on the journey of funding himself through busking in the new album, “Flight of the Crow”. Along the way, they have collaborated with Australian artists such as Josh Pyke, Katie Noonan, Matt Corby and Kate Miller Heidke. So if you like any of these artists’ sounds then perhaps Passenger will also make it to your Ipod! Passenger describes their music as it is meant to be, “unvarnished and honest”. Through powerful tunes and sincerity of lyrics they are meant to strike a chord with the heart. It truly portrays dedication to a "grass roots style of craftsmanship and collaboration…(and) evoking the humble, hardworking creativity of the troubadours of old”.
As uni students, we could probably relate to the hard work he is trying to express!
Passenger will be performing at the Macquarie University Village Stage – 2pm -3pm.

Got an opinion? Do you agree or disagree? You’re more than welcome to post up any thoughts or comments about how you think these bands performed at Conception Day or any other information about the other bands!
Enjoy Conception Day ALL!! Have fun, stay safe! ROCK ON! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hello Everybody!

Our names are Yolanda and Monica :) nice to meet you!
We will be reviewing the hotttest music both underground and mainstream from the naughties!!
We would like to share our ideas and thoughts on various genres of music..and hopefully you will able to join us in sharing our passion!!

We are Alex and Liz and we will be reviewing our favourite movies from the last decade. As two students majoring in Screen Production we share a great interest in films and how films are put together. Ranging in genres and tastes we hope to bring you informative and entertaining posts on the many great films of the past 10 years, addressing both content and the overall production.

Brainstorm & Aims for our blog:

Hope you enjoy!
